Julian Assange arrest at the Embassy part 2 – Ecuador bought out by IMF loans as they sell out truth for cash

Continuing on from yesterday’s post on the historic events unfolding with Wikileaks founder Julian Assange, we need to look at the motives behind why Ecuador revoked his asylum yesterday after seven years, and after making him an Ecuadorian citizen.

It appears that the previous president of Ecuador was friendlier with Assange than the new one. And it turns out that Ecuador has just received a $4.2 billion loan from the Washington-based IMF. It’s part of a three year package meant to help support the government’s economic reform program and the first instalment has just gone through in the past few weeks. The timing is coincidental with Assange’s asylum revoking and it therefore appears that the new president of Ecuador simply preferred selling out to the highest bidder in exchange for truth about the atrocities of the elite.

Ecuador is also about to receive further loans of $6 billion from the World Bank and other Latin American banks. Both the IMF and the World Bank are run by the same elite bankers that run America. And America wants Assange for exposing their crimes to the world. Julian Assange, with the help of whistleblower Chelsea Manning, was able to reveal video footage of US helicopter pilots in the Iraq war firing on crowds of innocent civilians, killing them without reason. It may have been ignorance or mistaken identity, but either way it shows a crime against humanity and a war crime when added to the list of atrocities perpetrated on the Iraqi citizens for the sake of stealing their oil. Saddam was a ruse and WMD was a lie. And Assange showed the world this. He is the journalist hero of his era to stand up to the biggest bully on the planet, the biggest war criminal since the Vietnam war already, and it is for this reason that we will always remember him.

The implication of his arrest yesterday is dangerous for press freedom and for truth globally because it will set a president if Assange is extradited to America and found guilty of crimes for revealing the truth. He killed nobody, risked the lives of no one, as they insist. In fact he fought for truth, and if he is tried then future journalists or whistleblowers will possibly be deterred out of fear from the oppressive criminal governments that they try to expose. We are all potential victims of a murderous American government who is willing to kill around a million civilians in their Iraq war for the sake of more oil for their citizens and more power for their plan of world domination. America is like China when it comes to their human rights record. What is stopping them from coming to my country next and starting a war for my resources? They did it in so many South American nations already, along with Afghanistan for their opium poppies, Libya for their oil, Syria for their oil, all the way murdering civilians during their occupation or via their proxies.

We need to name and shame the scum who run America – the global banking elites. America is their puppet and the citizens of America are living off the fat of the rest of the world. They are living cheaply of blood oil, something like the blood diamonds of Africa. The citizens are being propped up with cheap oil stolen from poverty-stricken countries devastated by their military invasions or economic sanctions – like Venezuela today, another oil-rich nation being crushed, people tortured via sanctions for their oil. John Bolton the war hawk who advises President Trump admitted it in a video interview. The American citizenry are not to blame because they have no power to elect anyone in the rigged voting system of the elites who run the regime. But the American citizenry has the duty to use their voice to call out and denounce their government for the crimes they perpetrate on the world.

Americans, stand up for truth and for life – the life of all war victims of your military industrial complex – and denounce your criminal government. Or be held complicit. Ignorance is no longer an excuse. There is still enough freedom of speech on the planet to tell it like it is. And many American intellectuals do just that, like Oliver Stone, Lee Camp and Noam Chomsky to name a few. Honest Americans are disgusted with their government as I am disgusted with the crimes of mine. But in mine, the rot is due to a few bad actors, like the former president who was a gangster and a thief. I could even go as far as to say it was institutionalised corruption by an entire political party in my country of South Africa, but there is hope and a chance for reform. I could be wrong though, since South Africa is probably also sold out to the IMF, and also is definitely sold out to the other human rights abuser namely China. Most governments on the planet appear to be corrupt, perhaps under threat or extortion. But America is up there with China as the top criminal, their list of atrocities having a bigger body count and a longer existence.

I speak out against the crimes of my politicians in my writing. What do you Americans say about the crimes of your government? How do you feel about driving around in your cars fuelled by blood oil? What is it like living off the spoils of war torn countries whose civilians suffer still today due to the horrendous crimes of your military? It was Julian Assange, Edward Snowden and Chelsea Manning who revealed the truth to the world of the war crimes of America. Do you know about the American military using depleted uranium as a weapon in Iraq? Do you know that babies are being born there deformed in the most horrific way – to this day 17 years later – because of the American military use of depleted uranium? This means that America is actually the country using chemical weapons on civilians. Welcome to your truth. And America wants to prosecute the whistleblower Julian Assange for revealing this kind of information to the rest of the world. Obviously they are immoral. If you can’t see it yet, then you are more in illusion than you realize which is why I write. I want you to awaken from your illusion about yourselves, fellow citizens of the world. This is not just an American problem; it is the criminal banking elite who run America that also run most of the planet already. We all need to awaken to the truth of Prison Planet run by tyrants and murderers. It’s just that America is the strong arm of the elite bankers, doing their bidding all over the globe, devastating whole countries at a time, millions of innocents.

So for the sake of the rest of the planet, dear readers from America, please stand up against this tyranny by your government as I stand up against the tyranny of mine. I was born in Apartheid South Africa and was obliged by my tyrannical government back in my youth to do two years military conscription. But I refused. I faced them head on and told them man to man that I will not fight. And I won. They sent me home from the military base on day one. That is to their great credit and compassionate of them, despite being an Apartheid regime. I was perhaps blessed with many helpful factors, but I entered the lion’s den and risked years in jail because of my convictions and moral standards of humanity for all humans and a love of truth above money. Now it’s your turn American citizens. As Assange is tried in your country for revealing the truth of your government’s atrocities, will you stand up against their crimes, will you stand for truth and the truth-seekers, or will you ride the blood oil-fueled gravy train to your death, while it erodes away at your moral fiber, your conscience, your humanity, your soul?

Ref: https://www.enca.com/business/imf-approves-42bn-loan-ecuador

Published by

Julian Horack Jasomatinandan Das

Cape town born, Gaudiya Vaishnava by training, an eternal spirit soul by origin. Student of Vedanta, Astrology, Cryptocurrency. Insights from metaphysics to cryptography... for all who wish to explore the expanse of consciousness.

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